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Note: This is a review, click here to visit the KitchenAid KFP750WH site.
For years now, I have had my eye on KitchenAid products, namely their prominent stand mixers. So when the need for a GOOD food processor became a reality for me, I first looked at KitchenAid, and not much further. In comparison to other professional-styled food processor, the KitchenAid has a solid feel, the base is weighted nicely and the components fit together very well. Starting at the top, the lid is made from a thick, clear plastic and has a generously-sized feed tube. It fits on the bowl very well and locks into place securely. However, I have noticed while processing, the occasional liquid sometimes leaks out from the seam, but I have found this to be true of most any food processor if you put in too much liquid (solution... just don't processes as much liquid items at once, and if you must, switch to a blender). When locking the lid, you must place the lid with the tab to the left of the handle and spin it to the right. This took me some time to get used to, for I kept thinking I could spin the lid on from either direction. Not a deal breaker, I just had to get used to that, and in fact, I think it promotes a stronger final product. The same is true for locking down the bowl. The food pusher separates into 2 pieces. There is a red plastic insert that twists off and comes out of the larger, clear plastic food pusher. Removing this red insert creates a smaller feed tube in the larger pusher which is handy for feeding smaller (thinner) items such as carrots or the like when you want greater control of how the food hits the slicing blade. On the other side of the large, clear plastic food pusher is a measuring cup offering measurement scales in ml (up to 100), oz (up to 4), pts (up to .2), and cups (up to 1/2). This is handy for making quick measurements when all your other measuring cups are not right at hand. In addition, the red, removable insert has a small hole in the bottom of it. This makes it ideal for slowly dripping oils or other liquids into your mixture when it is reinserted into the larger, clear plastic food pusher.The KitchenAid KFP750WH is on sale now at Amazon – Click Here for Lowest Price!
The bowl is AMAZING in how solid it feels. It locks onto the base with a quick spin to the right. The handle lines up on the center of the base and the bowl will no longer continue to turn once it is locked into place. Again, same as the lid, the bowl only locks on from one direction. The handle is the key for the locking mechanism for the lid-to-bowl and the bowl-to-base. Once the bowl is in place on the base and the lid is locked down to the bowl, there is a locking pin in the handle that engages and the bowl cannot be removed. Unlocking the lid will release the locking mechanism of the bowl from the base. There is a liquid level indicator mark on the bowl which you should heed in order to avoid that liquid leak from the seam of the lid. When cleaning the bowl, water sometimes has a tendency to get into the handle. This is the ONLY detraction I have come across with this item. You have to work a bit with some shaking to get the water out. The blade inserts are VERY sharp!!! Handle with caution in and out of the food processor and in cleaning. The mini-bowl is a great add-on option for this already fantastic item. Other reviewers have mentioned that food sometimes falls over into the main bowl, but in my experience, that is an indication that you are trying to process too much in the mini-bowl. I use this for only very small amounts and for everything else, I use the main bowl... problem solved. The base is again, very solid and well weighted. The button pad is completely covered so there is no chance of food leaking into the buttons. There is an On, Off, and Pulse button. I use the pulse button frequently as the engine is so powerful, you won't need extended food processing times as you might with other food processors to accomplish the same goal. Large rubber pad are found at the corners of the base to prevent sliding and movement when that big 700 watt motor fires up. And speaking of which, the motor on this unit is incredible. It is so powerful, yet it is like a whisper in comparison to the noise emission of other food processors I have used. You can actually talk on the phone and finish getting that recipe from Mom while processing your food. It is a delight to operate!!! The accessory kit is generous and has a nice case that holds all your items together. To conclude, I won't bore you with all the items I have processed in this KitchenAid 12-cup GOLIATH food processor, however, I will say that any job I have thrown at it, it makes "minced meat" out of!!! Bravo to KitchenAid for scoring an A+ with such a simple, yet delightful and highly functional kitchen tool that is sure to please the most demanding chef in each of us. A bit on the pricey side, but worth every penny!!!Check out the lowest price on the KitchenAid KFP750WH at Amazon – Click Here.
We just got this food processor and have used it three times (juicing & chopping) in the three days we've had it. It's fantastic! The juicer attachment did not work as well as we would have liked. It only extracted some of the juice from our 6 lemons, so we had to use a manual reemer to complete the job. But since we will rarely use this processor for juicing, we don't mind. (We didn't buy it for the juicing attachment, but since it came with one, we decided to use it because we happened to be making lemon curd.) We chop a lot of broccoli for our dogs--one bunch a day. With our 11-yr-old Krups, we had to cut the broccoli into 1-inch pieces and could not chop the entire bunch at once. It took a couple of minutes to process. With the KitchenAid, we were able to cut 2-3-inch pieces and fit the entire bunch into the bowl all at once. Three pulses later, we had finely minced broccoli. This machine is POWERFUL.
It's also easy to clean. Can't wait to use it for slicing vebetables and grating cheeses.
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